Team Beyond the Fog Radio

Susan E. Brown

Cohost / Producer

“Beyond The Fog” Customized Tours, Documentary Film Director, Producer

When Susan’s friend Jae called to check on how she and her business were doing during the pandemic, Susan regretfully informed him that her business was on hold until the pandemic had subsided. When Jae suggested they start a podcast to celebrate the city they both loved, Susan jumped at the chance. Susan knew this would be an opportunity to do what she loves most: give people a place to tell their stories. As a documentary film director, she knew switching to a podcast would been a natural fit. As a native San Franciscan, Susan relishes the opportunity to explore San Francisco through the power of the stories of The City’s many notable residents, and to share those stories with the world.

Most importantly for Susan, she can celebrate the city where she was born and raised while giving a unique outlet to those legends who have helped shape this beautiful city. She is excited to learn from her colleagues and for this opportunity to work with her two wonderful and multi-talented co-hosts Michaela Joy O’Shea and Jae Yee.

They bring with them a wonderful team in Tim Johnson, Tim O’ Shea, and Connor Yuan-Tung Chang.

Susan could not have imagined this dark and uncertain time in the world would also result in something as exciting and fulfilling as Beyond the Fog Radio!

Jae Yee

Cohost / Sound Engineer

J Bodyworks & Swerv Studios, and a Nationally-Certified Personal Trainer

Born and raised in San Francisco, Jae is one of the top trainers and bodyworkers in the SF Bay Area. In his spare time, he intensely studied marketing and video to create top-notch videos for J Bodyworks & Swerv Studios. His new dream was to have a podcast featuring his home city of San Francisco, and the people in it. And now that dream has come true! 

He is a healer who takes a deep interest in human anatomy and emotion, which is why he is drawn to people's history and stories. As a Hendrickson Method therapist, he specializes in muscular dysfunctions and soft tissue injuries. His study of the human body started at age 10, where he practiced the philosophies of movement and energy through Chinese martial arts and Tai-Chi. Jae holds nearly 1,000 hours of study in combined Eastern and Western modalities of bodywork, is a Nationally-Certified Personal Trainer, a Corrective Exercise Specialist, and a Master Trainer with Z-Health.

He is also skilled in the art of music and recording, he even had a side hustle as a DJ before his business took off! Jae has deeply planted roots in many corners of San Francisco, and yet there are so many awe inspiring stories that he has yet to hear, and he is excited for those stories to be uncovered here. 

Jae has always been someone with a knack for bringing likeminded people together, and Beyond the Fog Radio benefits greatly from these team building skills!

Michaela Joy O’Shea

Cohost / Photographer

Michaela Joy Photography founder / Voice actor

California born, Colorado grown, and now an eternal San Franciscan. Michaela first moved to the Bay in 2010. It was always her dream to live here and to be a part of the music and arts scenes, but especially to enjoy the accepting and freethinking NorCal way of life.

Now, having lived here for over a decade, she couldn’t be happier to have made one of the most beautiful places in the world her home. 

Michaela met Jae while training at J Bodyworks, soon then they began collaborating for his other business, Swerv, for photo and video projects. One lovely pandemic day Jae called her up and asked if she wanted to be a part of something special with the incomparable Susan Brown. 

With an enthusiastic “Heck yes, sign me up!” they were off!

Michaela is excited for the chance to share and give back to the San Francisco community that has given her so much, and to talk about the roots of its greatness, with the hope that our city, and our country, can get back to those roots soon.

Naturally, she would take photos and document the story. 

To her delight, Susan and Jae moved her into a host & voice position. With her experience in public speaking, college radio, and interviewing, it was a perfect fit!

Voiceover had always been a hobby Michaela enjoyed, and she is so excited that this shelter-in-place born opportunity is providing her with a new chance to use her voice.

Tim O’Shea

Music Producer

Michaela Joy Photography co-owner / TGO Music Director

Tim was born in Ireland, and raised in New York, but had most of his venerable years in Denver, Colorado.

When Tim met a lovely girl, enamored with San Francisco, she took him on dozens of excursions during their courtship that led to Tim catching the Bay Area bug. He decided if he were to ever move out of Colorado, it would be to SF. He married his lovely girl, and in 2013 they made the decision to start their business in the Bay.

Tim’s love for San Francisco starts and ends with the arts. A perfect elixir of European-inspired museums, restaurants, bars, parks, bridges, and fashion. The proximity to everything he could want, within an hour or so, makes this the best place to live in the US. For Tim, having access to the Pacific Ocean and the finest wines in North America are enough to keep him around for as long as The City will have him.

While his career has taken the path of wine and photography, Tim’s true passion has always been music. He is a fourth generation piano player, and his great-grandmother famously played the piano to backup silent films in New York. In the first photo of Tim at a piano he was less than two years old, watching his Great Nana play some old standards on the upright.

His inspiration for scoring this podcast comes from the trolley sounds around town, the fog on the breeze billowing in and out of the city, and the sometimes dark undertones of progress in this great city. Tim is honored to be a part of this historical journey through the last 100 years of San Francisco. 

Connor Chang

Audiovisual Editor

Connor Chang is an audiovisual editor, writer, and musician based in Orinda, CA. He holds a B.A. in Film & Television Production from Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles, and applies his filmmaking knowledge to a wide variety of fields.

Arlyss Ray


Arlyss is a lover of the arts and the natural world. Growing up in San Francisco, she had access to the city’s rich performing arts, culminating in a degree in Music from the University of California, Berkeley. Having spent her childhood summers in California’s Sierra Nevadas, her love for Nature flourished. ⁠

This ultimately led her to Oregon, where she lives with her partner and their cat and spends her time exploring the beauty of the state’s Cascade Wilderness. An avid traveler, Arlyss has ventured to countries in Asia, Africa, Europe, and Central America. She hopes to continue traveling the world, discovering the natural and artistic wonders this planet and its people have to offer. ⁠

Arlyss is thrilled to help tell the stories of the incredible people doing incredible work in her home city with Beyond the Fog Radio. 

Tim Johnson

Design Director

Tim has collaborated with both Jae and Susan over the years in developing branding for both Swerv and Beyond the Fog.

A graphic designer in San Francisco since before Apple released the Mac, he became a web designer before there was even broadband! His field of expertise is preparing and presenting content so consumers will stop, take notice, and remember the message. Memorable content and a love of San Francisco make him a perfect fit for BtFR!