S8 Ep 1 Nina Serrano Poet, Storyteller, Writer Media Producer

Welcome to Season 8 of Beyond the Fog Radio! We start our first series, Local Heroes, with poet, writer, media producer, and activist Nina Serrano. Born during the Great Depression in New York City’s Latino and immigrant communities, Nina’s deep appreciation for these cultural connections profoundly shaped her life. Along with a background in theater, anthropology, and international peace activism, Nina's career is a profound blend of the arts and Latinx-American human rights activism.

Nina has published award-winning poetry collections and produced TV, plays, and films in the U.S. and Cuba. While raising her family, she taught writing and theater classes and still holds storytelling workshops in senior centers and elementary schools in the Bay Area. Nina's commitment to human rights, peace, and social justice is evident in her creative work, which always seeks to inspire change, courage, and deeper love.

Check out Season 7, Episode 3, where we interview Nina’s children, Valerie and Greg Landau.

Meet Nina Serrano!


S8 Ep 2 Happy Holiday Special Episode 2023


S7 Ep 6 Sam’s Grill an old school San Francisco Restaurant with owner Peter Quartaroli